With this motto in my mind in 2010 I opened the doors of the Jacaranda Nursery & Primary School. Now the school has become a reality and we are able to guarantee education to over 500 children with an age from 5 to 15 years. Only personal growth through commitment can guarantee to these children a future in this very poor area, located near places where many spend their holidays. But this school was only the first step of a series of projects that we continue to carry on and for which we ask support to those who believe in the infinite possibilities of these people. Not simple charity but a form of responsible support in their country.

JACARANDA Primary School
We built it with the support of EDEN VIAGGI and IN VIAGGI. It is about one kilometer from the resorts and it is possible to reach it by a short walk. It has become the point of aggregation of an area where almost 10.000 people live. We continue to improve the structure and help directly the neediest and deserving children. You can help too: with only 200 euros you can pay a child a whole school year giving him/her the possibility to live with dignity.
The dispensary is a sort of clinic, a pharmacy, a hospital and a first aid center for the entire Jikoke / Jacaranda community. Nowadays, even for a simple illness, hours of walking are necessary to reach another structure, and the most serious cases cannot be rescued. The realization of the center has a cost of over 100.000€ and donations for this project are opened. All progress in raising funds will be updated on the NEWS page of the website, we will also communicate when we will start the construction of the building updating all the progresses.

In 2012 we brought running water into the area, but the work is not finished yet. The pipelines of the public provider follow the main road serving hotels and houses that are close to it. The problem, however, is to supply the many small communities that are far from the main roads. We started with the free delivery of thousands of liters of water to the hundreds of families of the area every first day of the month. From 2017 we brought the pipelines to two small villages. Now women will not have to walk for miles to bring water at home.
Many small streams...
…make a river. Just look around: the possibilities for giving help are endless. From providing soccer shoes to a proud local team, taking care of the transportation of school children to official competitions, paving a church that is a meeting point for the whole community. Read our NEWS for updates.